lake wylie furniture an online store with free design consultations

Welcome to our blog where we help you with day-to-day furniture care, discuss design ideas and latest trends, and speak about the latest design trends. We also discuss how the right decision for buying furniture can lead to an overall improvement in your lifestyle and of course, make your home look beautiful. We focus on furniture for all rooms of your home from bedroom, and dining room to office as well as mattresses and accents.

Sleeper Sofas – Tacky No More

Sleeper Sofas – Tacky No More

Sleeper Sofas – Tacky No More Remember when you visited grandma and slept on that pull-out sofa that had a metal bar across the center? No matter how you turned over, that bar was there . . . all night long. Today’s sleeper sofas tell a different story. Many fold down...

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POPULAR DESIGN TRENDS FOR 2021 There’s a great emotional lift when you bring something new into your home.  Heaven knows we all need that now.  As we continue to spend more time in doors – both Covid and winter created – why not do some redecorating.  Here are some...

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